Funny Lockdown Videos That Will Have You Laughing Out Loud

A lockdown isn’t funny, but there is still some comedy to be found.

It’s not okay to be stranded in our rooms every day, bored witless for hours on end. Thankfully, these videos will have you laughing for days.

Hilarious Lockdown Videos

  • The moment your boyfriend walks in behind you wearing just his pants, you are all smart, composed, and ready to speak confidently on TV. Then, as if that weren’t enough, they run straight into a wall in reaction to the shock. There’s no better advertisement for the single life than that.
  •  When you see someone you only know in a professional setting at home, you gain a whole new perspective on them. He’s always a cat dad at the very core of his being, no matter how serious and important he is as a journalist and MP for Ochil & South Perthshire.
  • During the Coronavirus crisis, the Deacon of Canterbury Cathedral has kept his flock merry with a daily morning prayer via video link. As someone who is not religious, the cheeky cats roaming the gardens where he records his sermons have really brightened my lockdown days. It’s just too much when one intrepid cat disappears as if by magic in this video.
  • A Deacon never seems to be able to escape his cats. One of them decided to eat the milk from his master’s tea jug this time. In this situation, it pretty clear who is in charge when this human gives this human an uncomfortable side eye.
  • What are your memories of math class? It wouldn’t have been as enjoyable for me if my teacher had repeatedly flashed an image of their cat on screen. After that, she screamed. The best feeling in the world.
  • Clare Wenham, assistant professor in Global Health Policy at London School of Economics, interrupts a video call in the cutest way possible. She asked Wenham for advice on where her unicorn drawing should be placed during her appearance on BBC News. It’s amazing that this just happened to coincide with Haynes’ cookie monster episode, so there was double parent-child trouble at the BBC.
  • Among all animals, I think what we’ve learned is that cats are the least respectful of video call etiquette. The video of a man’s entire tech set up being destroyed by his cat is further proof that you are not in charge if you have a cat.
  • In the last month, Curtis Roach’s TikTok hit has gone viral. And if you’re antisocial at home with your teenage brother, you’ve certainly heard various renditions of this on repeat.

  • Work from home (wfh), working at home isn’t easy for everyone. We have not only failed to figure out what is the best place for us to work without disruption, but sometimes people walk in when they shouldn’t.
  • It is hard not to laugh out loud when watching Alister Green’s hilarious quarantine special series. His videos will have you in tears within seconds, from laughing at individuals who don’t understand the importance of social distancing to mocking the need for 5G.

  • It’s Erik’s latest video that we can’t stop laughing at, even though you’ve probably already seen it. If a spouse is not available, consider replacing it with a child, furry friend or sibling. Funny as hell.

  • The popularity of Tiger King has made exotic animals the focus of everyone’s attention, and O’Brien went a step further by featuring zookeepers from around the world. Because everyone is socially isolating and distancing themselves in their homes, things look a little different and the drawing couldn’t have turned out any better.
  •  As you all stay indoors to fight the Coronavirus outbreak, your favorite comedy lines will come to life.

  • JoJo is back with a quarantine special of this beauty. It is humorous, but even more important, it is extremely powerful through the use of humour, telling listeners to stay indoors to help prevent the spread of COVID 19.
  • Take a look at police officers and soldiers implementing community lockdowns. The belt will save you if you’re lucky. 
  •  As she teaches guided meditation online, the little girl gives her mom the ubiquitous rabbit ear finger gesture. Afterwards, he starts dancing and being goofy. Meanwhile, serious “Meditation Mom” is trying to keep her cool. My mom deserves an A+ for how she handled the situation well. Could you be as calm as this?
  • In the wake of the Coronavirus lockdown, people have been sharing funny videos of their pets stuck at home. While living under quarantine is tough, these owners have found ways to keep their pets occupied indoors. Working from home can also be difficult if you have a cat or dog who constantly needs your attention.
  • Does anyone else not miss commuting to work? It will make you want to take back that remark while keeping you in stitches, if you somehow miss the stuffy old tube, Bob Mortimer’s train guy series will make you want to take back that remark.

  • If you’re a work-at-home mom, homeschooling your kids, cleaning the house, and keeping your kitchen cupboards stocked, you’re not alone. A humorous video from the Marsh family reveals the truth through humour, bickering and a sense of realism. You won’t be disappointed.


Finally, a rundown of funny videos that will have you laughing out loud. Remember: there are bound to be some laughs during lockdown and the last thing you want is to end up sitting for hours on end, bored and hungry in your room. 

So next time you feel duty-bound to give your mom an update on where you are locked up during taking shifts with the other kids. Have a laugh with these videos, guaranteed to bring a smile to your face!

Did these lockdown videos make you laugh out loud? Have you been wondering what to read next? We’re here to help you, so don’t worry! Check out a few of our top jokes and videos below. Check out the entire collection of Funny Jokes Today for more interesting and funny articles.

Check out these 10 Productive Lockdown Activities.

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